Become the largest General Contractor and General Supplier company in Indonesia
Become a company where all of the employees are proud to work in, they can grow and perform at their best and continually strive
Providing the best service to customer requirements and providing a sense of secure and comfort through three things: Timeliness, Quality and Price Transparency
Build and create the best image of the company
Ensuring profitability that can support company growth
•Creating competent and well-performing human resources
Build strong and long-term relationship
•Commitment to excellent quality & K3L
•Focus on customer requirements
•Commitment to excellent service to customers
•Doing ordinary things extraordinarily
•Continuous innovation
•Discipline, transparency & integrity
•Trustworthy and reliable
•Always keep promises
•Appreciate every work and effort of colleagues & business partners
•Able to adapt of change
•Oriented to the future
•Proud of our profession and work
Ruko Sentra Office Blok A
Jalan Boulevard Raya No.5-6
Grand Galaxy City – South Bekasi
Indonesia 17147